Reflections on a Classis meeting

Our congregation is part of a regional group of Christian Reformed Churches called Classis Eastern
Canada. This includes churches in Eastern Ontario (from Brockville to Pembroke to Cornwall and
points in between), a church in Montreal, Quebec, and 6 churches in 3 Maritime Provinces. Twice
a year there is a meeting of delegates from each of these churches. The most recent meeting was
on October 21-22.

Sometimes, it seems, we can be so focused on our own situation as a congregation that we forget
that there are many other churches out there that have similar experiences. Or we are so caught
up in our own needs and experiences that we don’t think about what other churches are working

This was highlighted for me at the recent Classis meeting. One of the items at every meeting is to
invite each congregation to share joys and concerns that they are experiencing. Listening to the
comments from the different churches was another reminder that we are all on a similar journey
together. As we share our experiences, we can also learn from each other. Here is a sampling:
-wisdom to discern next steps for the future of our church
-how to encourage volunteers to lead and participate in church ministries
-how to encourage people to return to in-person worship
-the joy of ministries resuming with enthusiastic leaders
-the impact of the pandemic on mental illness
-the joy of multi-generational worship and ministries
-the joy of seeing new faces in church
-the impact of the decisions of Synod 2022 with respect to the Human Sexuality report

All of the joys and concerns included the common thread of trust in the Lord. As they are shared at
Classis, they lead into a time of prayer. There is confidence that the Lord is leading, blessing,
granting wisdom, instilling patience and understanding. Our individual churches are not “my”
church, where “I need things to go my way,” or where “I have to fix things or figure things out.” We
are the Lord’s church, where the Holy Spirit is moving.

As an individual congregation, we are also part of the larger work of God in this region. At this
meeting, we heard examples of God at work when we heard from a missionary from Kenya, from
the international contacts through the Montreal Seafarers Centre, from the neighbourhood
ministries of Mission Montreal, and the work with students at university through the Ottawa
Campus Chaplaincy as well as in our local public schools through CrossTown Impact.

As one congregation we would not be able to support these many ministries. Together as a group of churches, we can do so much.

Our Lord is doing remarkable things! Thanks be to God.


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